How to Fail as a Novelist
A Pug Enterprises book by Michael Crawley
Michael Crawley uses his fine British humor to create this superbly written 'How Not To' book. Through his witty prose, Michael draws upon his experience as a teacher to guide even the most uninitiated writers to produce the best works possible. By reading these examples you learn how to avoid the pitfalls that block most writers from getting their works published.
How To Fail As A Novelist is a must read for any students of the word who want their works on the bookshelves, and for those who want to enjoy a good read from a fine novelist.
About the Author

Michael Crawley is a prolific writer having produced 13 novels, 2 textbooks and over 1,000,000 words in short stories. He is published on four continents and is a much sought after teacher. Michael rises early every morning to write and produces a wide variety of articles and short stories. He has designed four separate curricula for the novice writer which are so popular that they are being taught around the world.
Michael Crawley, who has also written under the names Michael Darling, Morgana Baron and others, has prepared a detailed, often amusing, list of things to do if you don't want to have your manuscript published.
He suggests using every polysyllabic word that you can, convolute your sentences, use the passive voice and use dialect. So far so good.
Crawley tells not only how not to be published, but how not to be read just in case you are published. One good suggestion: write about times and places about which you know nothing.
He uses inverted British humor so perhaps if you ignore his real words you may learn how to actually become a published author.
So far he has produced 13 novels, 2 textbooks and more than a million words in short stories.
- Reviewed by Arnie Matanky - Near North News