Afterworld - When Ghosts Disappear
A Pug Enterprises book by Claude Limberger
Afterworld - When Ghosts Disappear is an adventure story about the spirit when the body dies. The book takes place sixty years in a dark future and begins with the death of the main character, Claude. It follows him through his many adventures as a ghost. He encounters a diverse spectrum of spiritual entities who aid in his adjustment to spiritual form, but he is driven to help his grandchildren, and his intervention causes the death of two of them. This propels him through a gamut of emotions.
Claude's search leads him to answers man has been asking since the dawn of time. Who is God? What is the universe? What does it mean to be human? What are the differences between men and women? What is ascension? All these answered from the spiritual point of view.
Two extremely important concepts revealed in this book are: energy conservation as applied to the human soul, and the placement of consciousness. Briefly, if the soul has no energy then the soul ceases to exist. The soul conveys consciousness to the human body by virtue of the transfer of 'spiritual' energy to the physical form. Once placed into the human form, changes can be made at will. Thus time no longer becomes a limiting factor with regard to the placement of consciousness. So even though Claude died, he chose, in the end, to come back into the past and change the time line his consciousness was traveling on.
This is the story of a man who dreams of his own death in a bleak, catastrophic future. Still aware, he explores the mystical realm of death, where he discovers the purpose of life is to gather enough spiritual energy to support consciousness until reincarnating back into an earthly body.
What makes this well-crafted story shine is Claude Limberger's original way of thinking. I feel we will enjoy other great books from him in this earth's future.
- Reviewed by Lisa Snow - Magical Blend
Claude's book is great. A wonderful mix of Alice in Wonderland, Carlos Castenada, Jane Roberts, and Robert Monroe ... It is one of those rare books that I could not put down ... the ending was very insightful ... mind expanding ... what more can I say. We'll be ordering some.
- Reviewed by Mary-Anne Sutton - The External Moment Bookstore
Here is an adventure story that kept this reviewer riveted! Afterworld is about death, afterlife and consciousness. Afterworld is also about ascension, learning and enlightenment. Author and philosopher Claude Limberger has fashioned a can't-put-it-down page-turner that combines excitement with insight and illumination.
Grandfather Claude dies soon after the birth of his first great-grandchild. In his afterlife, Claude meets many different spirits and begins to learn spirituality and insight he never learned while alive ... knowledge that allowed him to ascend to wisdom and peace.
Afterworld is written beautifully on two levels. Level one is a superior action story that is alive with extraordinary events that are spellbinding as well as provocative. As good as level one is, though, this reviewer found level two even better! Level two, you see, teaches. And the message CLAUDE LIMBERGER imparts is "... that there is hope for all of us. Never give up hope. Life is a gift to be appreciated and not wasted. Use every moment as if it were your last."
Afterworld is imaginative and amazing! And yet, each chapter is a lesson in the affirmation of life. Even more, Afterworld is a voyage into mystical realms while, at the same time, to self-awareness and spiritual development! If I've given you the impression that Afterworld is really two books in one, you are right. Either one would be a truly good book on its own. Together, Afterworld is a great book .. one that improved my life on both levels.
- Reviewed by Richard Fuller - Metaphysical Reviews
This is Claude Limberger's first book of fiction, designed to open the reader up to a variety of life's lessons. The story takes place following man-made global deva-station. Grandfather, the narrator and patriarch of a small band of young survivors, has taken his people to live in the woods of northern Canada, far from marauding bands, where they live peacefully as hunter/gathers.
One night, after the joyful arrival of one more grandchild, the old man retires to his bed. In the morning he magically re-awakens into a life beyond life ... and the beginning of his voyage into self-awareness and spiritual development.
Each chapter holds within it the seed of a life-affirming message, along with a cast of widely-divergent characters - we meet friends, mentors, enemies, warriors and wayshowers. I only had a problem with one character, who had the linguistic skills of a seven-year old and the professional swordmanship of a Star Wars warrior! But even he was one of Grandfather's teachers.
Grandfather, nicknamed Nexus (the link) by his newfound friends, discovers how he had chosen a non-confrontational life for himself, his children and grandchildren. While he taught the younger people how to live in the wilderness, there was no instruction to prepare for the mental and physical marauders they will encounter as they grow to adulthood.
In the end ... ah, but that would be unfair to unlock the final secret of this little novel! Just remember don't wait until you are dead to learn the lessons of life. Life's obstacles are the Universe's challenges, how you handle them determines the tenor of your life.
In his epilogue Limberger rightly points out: "Life is a gift to be appreciated and not wasted. Use every moment as if it were your last."
- Reviewed by Pat Young - Common Ground magazine
Claude Limberger weaves a fascinating and intricate tale about life after death. This story brings to light the joys, fears, choices, and regrets that he (and everyone, in some way) had in his life. The author portrays his death experience in an exciting style with the use of vivid descriptions of places and characters.
The story begins with the main character - Claude (Grandfather) witnessing the birth of the newest member of his family - his first great-grandchild. After this joyous occasion, in a less-than desirable world, Claude awakens to find that life as he knows it has ended and he has passed into a new existence.
Claude begins by choosing a new name - "Nexus" - which the author defines as "attachment", but it also means "junction point" - a very interesting connection as you proceed to read the book. Nexus' adventures continues as he meets different characters in his search for self - in his search for soul. Each character plays a vital role from his closet of skeletons - representing different aspects of life and living. An engaging component of his adventures with each character (both living and spiritual) is how Nexus acts and reacts to them - and the role they play in his search. Who can he trust? Why would someone befriend him? Why would someone fight him? What do these spirits do? Where does he "fit"? As Nexus finds what he is seeking in death, the reader is introduced to the concept of waking reality; the framework of our daily lives - the sea of consciousness and infinite possibility within us all.
This book brings a call for us to care about our life, the lives of our children and grandchildren - we need to recognize how our thoughts and actions today create and impact our tomorrows. With this in mind Claude reveals the incredible knowledge that can be gained by paying attention to our thoughts and asking the right questions. Inevitably intriguing answers always show up and in these answers we see the works of the spirit that moves through all things.
- Reviewed by J. Remedios - Eye for the Future
A story alive with hope and spiritual intrigue and enlightenment. Ever wonder where your spirit goes when you die? Come along. Claude will show you. In a lively account that takes place in the future, after his death. This grandfather stumbles through a dismal hereafter meeting spirits who both validate and challenge his expectations of the afterlife. He wishes his grandchildren would concentrate more on the spiritual world. "It's like playing peek-a-boo with those you love." Tragedy and frustration fail to stop his curiosity and growing spirit. And he learns a new truth. That spiritual energy is the key. Like a battery, it charges the soul, transfers spiritual energy to the physical body and gives it consciousness. Claude discovers that, before humans, spirits existed but evil did not. His growing insight permits him to ascend to a higher level of awareness, wisdom, and peace. The spirits he meets are in greater variety than any on earth, and he both laughs and cries. A challenge: to be less of a wuss. "If you do not put your heart and soul into it. You're faking love, and cheating the universe." Claude also learns that the ability to change is a superior survival trait, but man must see the need to adapt. In this mystical adventure, the spirit thrives with a new freedom. So much that Claude decides to come back. Before his death. An intense journey to a higher consciousness.
- Reviewed by The Book Reader