Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a form of meditative exercise first developed in China. Yet this description is too simple for such an intricate set of movements that Tai Chi really is. For anyone who watches someone performing the movements will observe, it is slow, yet graceful. And in the slowness comes its strength. When performed properly, one slow deliberate move is equivalent aerobically to climbing a whole flight of stairs. Also a lot of the motion is spent while on one leg, thus increasing one's sense of balance.

The slowness of the movements also contributes to a method to reducing stress, by actually taking the time to slow down, and by the very nature of the repetitive flow; one is introduced to the concept of walking meditation.

Again by just slowing down, one's sense of awareness can increase. Not only within the body, but also to everything that happens at the fast pace around oneself.

Within the framework that is Tai Chi, a wonderful benefit occurs - an overall improvement in health. One finds oneself with better stamina, improved balance, better awareness, less stiffness, reduced stress, gracefulness, and the unexpected effect of better internal workings (meaning that the increased blood flow to the internal organs and the gentle messaging that the movement provides actually betters the overall bodily health.)

And lastly the most unexpected benefit is an unconscious knowledge of self-defense. The moves themselves are all a series of blocks, strikes, and kicks. When first learning the moves one is almost unaware of how much of a martial art the moves are. But the repetition over the years engrains the movements into your very being, so that they become an unconscious ability to move to protect oneself when needed.

These eight facets are wonderfully interwoven into the 108 movements that are Tai Chi.

Synopsis of Tai Chi's benefits