Try and collect.
Hutch moves forward. The Second Large Man swings the table leg at Hutch. Hutch ducks and punches The Second Large Man in the gut. The Second Large Man flies a short distance through the air and lands on a broken chair and is impaled.
The Third Large Man swings his table leg and Hutch moves back just enough to be missed by the swing but then runs up the wall onto the ceiling grabbing the Third Large Man's head and twists his head around with a crunch as he lands on the ground behind him.
The First Large Man looks nervous now. Hutch walks up to him slowly. The First Large Man stabs at Hutch. Hutch avoids the knife, grabs the First Large man's arm and breaks it at the elbow. Hutch grabs the knife from the First Large Man's hand and places it at his throat.
When you are in my house you play by my rules.
Hutch takes the knife away from his throat. The First Large Man staggers back holding onto his arm.
Hutch walks away. Without looking he tosses the knife over his shoulder and kicks it with a back kick before it hits the floor, sending the knife straight at the First Large Man's throat. He gags then collapses.
Hutch looks back, then snaps his fingers.
Immediately his henchmen restore the room to its original state. With a new table and chair replacing the broken ones.
The three bodies are carried away.
The other gamblers re-enter and continue